Before you decide to do laser hair removal, you should learn about the causes of unwanted hair growth on the body. Before you start removing dark hair growing in untypical places, please visit your gynaecologist or endocrinologist. Perhaps this is not only a cosmetic defect, but a result of hormonal disorders which should be treated.

Hirsuitism can affect any woman. Estrogens (female sex hormones) are responsible for the right functioning of the female body, including the figure, body development, regular periods and pregnancy. Ovaries and adrenal glands also produce a small amount of the male androgen hormones (testosterone and androstenedione), which are responsible for healthy skin, libido, leadership features, life energy and good mood.

Problems appear when there are too many male hormones. Dark hair on the face (upper lip, chin, sideburns, cheeks), neck, cleavage, nipples, breasts, forearms, arms, back, white line (from the navel to the mons) and stomach are female symptoms of hirsuitism. They are often accompanied by hair greasing, acne and irregular periods.


The most common causes of hirsuitism are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – besides the excessive hair growth, it results in skin and hair greasing, menstrual cycle disorders and hair loss;
  • adrenal hyperplasia – its distinctive feature is an excessive production of adrenal androgens. It results in excessive hair growth, seborrhea, temporal hair loss, menstrual cycle disorders;
  • hyperprolactinaemia (hyperactivity of the anterior pituitary gland producing prolactin) – great stress, physical effort, sleep, pregnancy, breastfeeding, medicines increase the level of this hormone. Besides hirsuitism, menstrual disorders, problems with getting pregnant and galactorrhoea may occur;
  • Cushing's syndrome – its characteristic symptoms are: monstrous obesity with accumulation of adipose tissue in the hips, shoulders, neck; the arms and legs are thin; a so-called moon face with excessive hair growth, stretch marks on the hips, tights, buttocks, breasts; hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes;
  • anorexia – resulting from a decrease of estrogen level(absence of periods) and an increase in production of androgens. The absence of period causes permanent body disorders and their results (if the anorexia lasts too long) cannot be treated;
  • virilising ovarian tumour – ovarian tumours which produce excess amounts of androgens;
  • androgen medicines – anabolic steroids, progestogens, Danazol, medicines for hypertension (such as Minoxidil), anti-epileptic drugs, some antibiotics and histamine blockers.

An endocrinologist starts treating hirsuitism when blood tests are carried out – to determine the level of sex hormones (oestrogens, androgens, LH, FSH) and scan the ovaries. It should be noted that patient's current phase of menstruation cycle during the blood test is very important for the correct test results. Even the time of blood test is significant because the level of hormones changes during daytime. A doctor will explain you in detail when you should do the test.

An effective endocrine treatment should balance hormones and stop the hair growth in untypical places. Unfortunately, that won't remove the hair which has grown before the treatment. Endocrinologists usually recommend a series of laser hair removal during the therapy to get rid of this tedious problem.

People suffering from hormonal disorders, who don't want to or can't start pharmacological treatment due to various reasons, can also do laser hair removal and obtain a satisfying effect. However, you need to know that you will need to do more treatments and undergo retreatments more often than in a standard case. That's why you should choose the cutting-edge solutions available in the market to limit the number of treatments to minimum. You can visit us in Warsaw, Poznań and Częstochowa. We are looking forward to providing you with further information on laser hair removal.

Excessive hair growth is not always caused by hormonal disorders. Genetic predispositions and ethnicity are also very important. In some parts of the world (Italy, Sicily, Georgia) women are more hairy than in other parts (e.g. Asian women) and this is nothing unusual. If your ancestors come from such regions, excessive hair growth shouldn't worry you.